Our staff is dedicated to providing authorized services fundamental to the health and well-being of the community.

Patrick Kaspari, PE - General Manager
Mr. Kaspari began work with MCSD on June 1, 2020. He is a registered civil engineer that has worked for the engineering consulting firm Winzler & Kelly/GHD in Eureka for the past 21 years. He has 30-years of water and wastewater design and operations experience. He has a long relationship with MCSD, having worked on several projects including the Ramey Pump Station Upgrades and the current Water/Sewer Master Planning efforts for replacement of MCSD’s water and sewer infrastructure, the 4.5 MG water tank project, the new Treatment Plant Microgrid project and the new Highway 101 Sewer Crossing project.
Mr. Kaspari can be reached for all matters of the District at (707) 839-3251 or
Joey Blaine – Board Secretary/Administrative Assistant
Mr. Blaine started with the District on April 9, 2012 as a Customer Service Representative. He has gained a wealth of experience through his time with the District while working in various positions in the Finance and Administration Department, handling internal IT functions, and developing the ability to field a variety of advanced inquiries. He is currently working towards the Certified Municipal Clerks Designation (CMC) through the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Mr. Blaine is a member of the City Clerks Association of California (CCAC), an association not just for City Clerks, but all municipal clerks (Special District Clerks/Secretaries and County Clerks alike), in the state of California. He also serves as Secretary for the Humboldt Area Chapter of the California Special Districts Assocation (CSDA). As the Board Secretary, Mr. Blaine is responsible for ensuring the democratic process through transparency, records management and acting as the compliance officer for the Political Reform Act, the Brown Act and the Public Records Act.
Lesley Frisbee - Human Resources Director
Ms. Frisbee came to MCSD 20 years ago, starting as a part-time Recreation Worker at the Kids' Club After School program and quickly moving through the ranks. In 2015, she was promoted to the Recreation Director, leading and overseeing the overall operations of the Department. In 2024, she transitioned to the position of Human Resources Director.
Ms. Frisbee holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree from Humboldt State University in Cultural Anthropology and has extensive training in leadership. She uses this training as a leadership coach and staff/organizational development process consultant and facilitator. She also serves on the boards of both the McKinleyville Family Resource Center and The Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods.
James Henry - Operations Director
Mr. Henry has worked for MCSD for the past 25 years. He holds a Wastewater treatment 4, Water Treatment 2, Collections 3 and Water Distribution 4 state certifications as well as Pesticide Applicator certification and other minor certifications affiliated with water and sewer, such as trenching, shoring, and confined space.
Mr. Henry is the Safety Officer for MCSD and has worked his way up through the various positions of the Operations Department to Operations Director, a title he now holds. He is the Vice President of the North Coast Section of California Water Environment Association (CWEA).
Samantha Howard - Finance Director
Samantha Howard started with MCSD as the Finance Director in April 2024. Mrs. Howard comes from a long line of Humboldt County residents being the sixth generation to settle here, along with her husband Matthew and their eight children.
Mrs. Howard holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Certificate in Business Information Systems, both from Southern Oregon University. Mrs. Howard is currently working towards obtaining a Graduate Accounting Certificate and MBA from the University of Phoenix and will be taking her CMA exam in the near future.
Mrs. Howard comes to the district with more than 11 years of experience in our local Banking Industry which has bred deep roots and strong community connections
Kirsten Messmer - Parks and Recreation Director
Ms. Messmer began working for the District in 2014 as a Recreation Coordinator. On July 1, 2024 she transitioned to her new role as the Parks & Recreation Director. Ms. Messmer is often accompanied to work with our Parks & Recreation doggo, Zephyr, who loves making her rounds greeting the staff and customers who come into the office.
Ms. Messmer holds a Bachelors of Science degree from California State University Fresno in Recreation Administration with an emphasis in Outdoor Recreation. Ms. Messmer has 18 years of experience in Parks & Recreation working for municipalities and private outdoor adventure companies. She is a proud resident of McKinleyville and serves on the Board of the McKinleyville Chamber of Commerce.