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Public Closure Notice

As of March 25, 2020, essential face-to-face transactions or discussions will be done by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please call Customer Service at 707-839-3251 Option #1


  • CASH PAYMENTS- Please understand that we will not able to make change. Any over-payment will be applied as a credit toward your next bill. Put your cash payment and remittance portion of the bill in the return envelope provided with your bill. Be sure to seal the envelope and deposit it into the drop boxes at 1656 Sutter Road. Drop boxes are located at the front door and in the parking lot, and are emptied at least twice per day. If you do not have the remittance portion of your bill, please be sure to write your name, service address, phone number, customer number and the amount you have paid on the exterior of your envelope.
  • CHECK PAYMENTS- Send your check with the remittance portion of your bill in the return envelope provided to P.O. Box 2037 McKinleyville, CA 95519-2037 or place it in our drop boxes at 1656 Sutter Road. Drop boxes are located at the front door and in the parking lot, and emptied at least twice per day.
  • CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS-  You can register your account at our website, At the “Pay Your Utility Bill” link, use your customer number from your bill, then process a payment. You may also set up for an EBill and/or authorize automatic payments. During the time that the “Shelter In Place” order is in effect, we will be accepting payments over the phone during normal business hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Once the “Shelter in Place” order has been rescinded, we will discontinue the practice of accepting phone payments. Please call us at 707-839-3251 Option #1 to process a payment.