Central Ave Water and Sewer Rehabilitation Project

UPDATE 10/12/2023

UPDATE 8/25/23
The paving is happening!!!
Thank you for your continued patience with the project on Central Avenue. Paving preparation will take place on Friday, 8/25 and the main project will happen overnight Sunday, from 8/27 at 5:30 p.m. to Monday 8/28 at 7:00 a.m. Spot cross paving will continue on Tuesday and throughout the week. Please continue to drive safely in the area and watch for kids and school buses as the new school year begins! Please call the office at (707) 839-3251, option 3 with any questions.
UPDATE 8/17/23
Thank you for all your patience and understanding as we are getting very close to finishing the water & sewer work on Central. To address recent concerns, WE ARE GETTING CLOSE TO DOING THE FINAL PAVING ON CENTRAL! We hope to have the main trench paved by the end of August. There will be some water service interruptions with this work; however, if your water is going to be turned off you will be notified. If you don’t hear anything, it means your water won’t be shut off. Please see a summary of upcoming traffic impacts 8/17-8/25 below. Please continue to drive cautiously in the work area. Thank you!

Update 6/15/2023:
Work continues on Central Avenue. Tonight is another shift of night work from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.!
For some customers on Central Avenue between Heartwood Drive and Pickett Road, water service will be interrupted from approximately 8:30 p.m. this evening, Thursday, June 15 to approximately 2:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, Friday, June 16. Those customers have been notified. If you haven’t been notified and your water is off, please call 707-601-9241.
Thank you for your continued patience and please continue to drive safe in the construction area.
**Central Ave Work Update 6/11-6/15**
Work continues on Central Ave. Work will shift to night work next week, from 7pm-7am.
• Sun thru Tue work will be at the Sutter/Central intersection. Traffic will not be able to turn Left onto Sutter from southbound Central, or Left onto Central from westbound Sutter.
• Tues/Wed work will shift to Hiller at Central. Northbound Traffic will not be able to turn left onto Hiller.
• Water will be shutdown on Monday night for customers along Central between Bartow and Sutter. And Wednesday night for Central between Heartwood & Pickett
• If your water is going to be shut off, YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED at least two days in advance. If you haven’t been notified and your water is off, please call 707-601-9241
5/24/2023 UPDATE: Traffic Control 5/24-5/26
Thank you for your continued patience with our water main installation!
The plan for the work the remainder of this week is:
Today/Thursday – the waterline off Central heading west on Nursery Way will be installed. This will require a moving traffic control at the intersection, and the west bound lane of Nursery Way (west of Central) will be closed at times. Cars heading east/west on Nursery Way may want to use Heartwood to avoid congestion.
Thursday/Friday – the waterline off Central heading west on Heartwood will be installed. This will require a moving traffic control at the Central/Heartwood intersection, and the east bound lane of Heartwood (west of Central) will be closed at times. Cars heading east on Heartwood may want to detour via Nursery Way to avoid Heartwood at Central.
Please plan your route in advance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Attention: Traffic Control 5/22-5/27
Thank you for your continued patience with our water main installation!
The plan for the work this week is:
Monday/Tuesday- Work at the Central/Hiller intersection. The left turn lane from Northbound Central onto Hiller will likely be closed & Gwin Rd will need to be used to turn left.
Wednesday/Thursday – the waterline off Central heading west on Heartwood will be installed. This will require a moving traffic control at the Central/Heartwood intersection, and the east bound lane of Heartwood (west of Central) will be closed at times. Cars heading east on Heartwood may want to detour via Nursery Way to avoid Heartwood at Central
Thursday/Friday – the waterline off Central heading west on Nursery Way will be installed. This will require a moving traffic control at the intersection, and the west bound lane of Nursery Way (west of Central) will be closed at times. Cars heading east/west on Nursery Way may want to use Heartwood to avoid congestion.
Please plan your route in advance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your patience and understanding! We are getting there... thank you!
ATTENTION: Traffic Control @ Central/Heartwood 5/12 - 5/17
Attention drivers and pedestrians!
GR Sundberg will be trenching across the Central Avenue and Heartwood Intersection from Friday, May 12 through Wednesday, May 17 during working hours 6 am - 7 pm. Traffic will not be able to cross the open trench.
For east and westbound drivers on Heartwood at Central:
- You will only be able to turn right on to Central.
- You will NOT be able to cross Heartwood or turn left onto Central from Heartwood.
For drivers on Central:
- You will NOT be able to turn left on to Heartwood.
Please plan your route in advance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
The McKinleyville Community Services District (and their contractor GR Sundberg, Inc.) plans to begin construction on the Central Avenue Water & Sewer Main Project the week of April 24th, 2023. Work will begin on the new water main to be installed in the Central Avenue center turn lane. The water line will be replaced from Sutter to Hiller. The week of April 24th, GRS will begin by potholing the connection point at Sutter and Central Avenue. This will be backfilled or plated until the final connection to the existing watermain. GRS will continue to pothole the week of the 24th and may begin to install the water main from the Sutter/Central intersection and laying to the North. Traffic will be detoured to the eastern most traffic lane in the North bound direction and no left turns will be allowed through the construction “cone zone.” Both South bound lanes will be open to traffic. It is anticipated that the mainline installation will take approximately three to four weeks to install, weather permitting.
Public notifications have been completed and submitted to Arcata Fire, Mad River Ambulance, Humboldt Transit Authority, CHP, the Sheriff and the School Districts. The plan is to notify businesses as we are approaching them with the construction. There will be no water service interruptions for this first part of work, until the entire water line is installed and tested. Brief interruptions will happen only when the service is switched to the new pipeline and businesses will be notified prior to the interruption.
Please slow down, be cautious and obey all traffic signs during the construction. We appreciate your patience and understanding with this important infrastructure replacement project. Please call the District at 707-839-3251 with any questions.
The District has been working on Master Planning efforts focusing on the replacement and rehabilitation of the water and sewer mainlines since 2017. The effort included an analysis of all water and sewer mainlines throughout the system. The original water distribution system was constructed in 1973 and the original sewer collection system was constructed in 1976. As the system continues to age, replacement and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure will be necessary to maintain an effective, functional system. The ultimate goal of the Master Planning effort was to come up with a cost and prioritized schedule for replacement/rehabilitation of the mainlines over the course of 50-75 years. The Master Planning effort was successful in this regard, the District is moving into the first phase of many construction projects that will help to ensure the District is able to continue a high level of service to the community well into the future, without putting an undue rate burden on them.
The first project that was identified as a part of the Master Plan effort was the rehabilitation of the 8-inch AC sewer main in Central Avenue from Sutter Road to Hiller Road.
Please view the Project Plans bleow:
MCSD Central Ave Water & Sewer Rehab Projet Bid Plans.pdf04.14.2023 MCSD Water and Sewer Schedule.pdf